Why Women Have More Sleep Problems and Insomnia Than Men

Women are widely recognized to have significantly higher incidence rates of insomnia and sleep problems than men. In many cases, upper cervical chiropractic can help mitigate or eliminate these symptoms, allowing the patient to experience significantly more restful sleep. Let’s take a look at how upper cervical chiropractic care can help combat sleep problems and insomnia for women:

Reduced Pain Stimulus – Adjustments can significantly reduce the amount of pain you feel by helping relaxing your muscles and improve posture. When you are in less pain, you are less likely to wake at night every time you toss or turn.
Hormones Lead to Misalignment – Women have special hormones, such as relaxin, that cause joint instability (it helps during pregnancy and childbirth). These same hormones can lead to women’s spines being even more excessively misaligned then men, which can ultimately cause sleep problems and insomnia. So spinal misalignments in women can have a more dramatic effect on the way their body feels and functions.
Osteoarthritis and Joint Pain – Women are also recognized to be at significantly higher risk of osteoarthritis and other joint issues than men. These conditions again cause significant pain which may be mitigated through adjustments, enabling patients to rest better at night.
So while women are uniquely at risk for several extra factors which can contribute to sleep problems and insomnia, treatment options are available. Speak with an upper cervical chiropractor about whether or not, upper cervical chiropractic may be the right choice for your personal circumstances.

What to Do Next

If you are looking to sleep better now is your chance. To find an upper cervical chiropractor in your area go to www.upcspine.com or if you are in the Seattle, Washington area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click here.

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Dr. Reanna Plancich of Discover Health Chiropractic in Seattle, Washington is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). Her upper cervical clinic also serves the Northwest Seattle area of University District, Wallingford, Wedgwood, Montlake and Capitol Hill. She is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, fibromyalgia, vertigo, whiplash and auto injuries. More information can be found on her website at https://www.discoverchiropracticinseattle.com/

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